“The performance was so outstanding and moving that I got goose bumps and cried. A performance in which each historical figure describes her own trials and accomplishments is so much better than just reading about the woman in a book.” - Lilly Ledbetter, Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, the first act of legislation signed by President Obama
"There is a sense of wonderment, gratitude and deep humility awaiting the audiences of "We Did it For You". An astonishing revelation of women's often unrecognized accomplishments throughout history, I found myself wondering why someone hadn't dramatized these triumphs before. Beyond the well known heroines like Madame Curie, Margaret Sanger or Amelia Erhart, playwright Thea Iberall offers a multi century parade of feminine genius and courage .. and does it with humor and fun. Your daughters must see this but, the men in your family will enjoy it too.” -- Paul Williams, Oscar, Grammy and Golden Globe Winning Songwriter
"It is with sincere delight that I pay tribute to the performers of the theater piece, We Did It For You! The key thing about the play in addition to it being written by women, about women and performed by women and is funny and moving and that like women in real life, it comes from the heart."- CeCe Sloan, President, UN Women-USNC SoCal Chapter
“What a magnificent way to bring the empowering lives of these amazing women to the wider public. Thea and everyone involved should be very proud of their work as it is so enlightening for those of us who need reminding how far women have come since those terrible days of disenfranchisement and subservience. I just pray that you get a huge audience for this work as it deserves to be seen around the world.”- Mark Shelmerdine, Television Producer
“You and your group was phenomenal - I enjoy the play each time I see it - and it was a perfect fit for the centennial” -- Dr. Kimberly Salter, Co-Chair, California Women Suffrage Centennial
"This heartwarming play takes audiences on a profound emotional journey that results in a deepened awareness of, and appreciation for, women in history upon whose shoulders we stand today. How grateful we should be for the significant sacrifices made by amazing women who "did it for us." I urge you to run, don't walk, to see this magnificent performance!” Dr. Paula Fellingham, Founder and CEO of the Women's Information Network (WIN)
“Thank you, again, for your wonderful performance and for your amazing work.” – Molly Murphy MacGregor, Executive Director and Cofounder, National Women's History Project
"Thoroughly enjoyed this informative play which was portrayed in a gentle way. I feel like I received the history lesson I should have received during all my years of education." – Marese Barry-Belanger
Very topical, well-timed due to the current political and social climate. Loved it. Let’s not lose our rights.”
“Powerful! I had tears in my eyes at the end. Everyone needs to see this play. Thank you.” – Karen Chace
“I thought the play was beautifully done... Lots of historical perspective linking together things I remember and things I don't. Characters felt real, pacing was just right, music well done. The story line of bringing a young girl up to date on women's history worked well. Very nice casting... I do hope you will perform it again.” – Susan Hotchkiss, Music Director, First Unitarian Universalist Society of Middleboro, MA.
"This program is not only important for women, it is important that ALL citizens see it, so that they gain understanding, insight, and appreciation for the role of the individual in effecting positive change. The lessons learned here apply to both genders and all ages and can be applied to contemporary issues, making them as relevant today as they were 100 or more years ago. A stirring, inspiring, patriotic and thoroughly delightful experience!"- Mitzi March Mogul, Vice President, Heritage Square Museum
“Powerful, timely, educational relevant, good educational tool for youngsters – both boys and girls. Mothers should bring their sons, too!” – Joan Dolian
“I liked the show very, very much. Every young person male and female should see this in their history class in school. Good luck and thank you all.” – Judy Gabeil
“What an energizing experience to be in the presence of all those inspirational women at the performance yesterday! My 5th grade son and husband were equally affected which made me happy as sometimes women are left wondering if men comprehend the hurdles we’ve overcome.” – Becky King
“The National Training Center and Fort Irwin recently celebrated our Women’s History Month Celebration. We invited “We Did It For You,” a traveling ensemble who put on quite a performance for a nearly 350 member audience of Department of the Army Civilians, Military, and Family members. The group portrayed the journey through early stages of women’s history and their struggle for equal rights through song and laughter, and a very strong message about what they suffered to provide us with the freedoms we have today. The educational message was powerful and poignant, increasing our awareness and overall knowledge of our history. If you have this troupe coming your way, put on your seat-belt for a rollercoaster ride you won’t soon forget. Thank you for an outstanding performance… many, many thanks.” - John E. Winkfield, Director Equal Employment Opportunity, US Army
“Great and inspirational performance last night.” – David Temple, FPUU
“A very powerful play. It gives me hope - even as we face the daily grind of prejudice and injustice.” - Rev. Jim Robinson, Minister at Unitarian Church of Sharon, MA
“I really enjoyed the play. I felt it was very "accessible", not too preachy, not so dense in detail that the point was lost, captivating--- the screens going and change of characters. I liked the perspective of the young woman narrator- how much she did not know, and how surprised she was at the facts. I liked the music. I thought it was very well cast.” - Andrea Preist, Coordinator, Circle of Music Summer Conferences, Ferry Beach, ME; Executive Director, Town of Middleborough Council on Aging
“My wife and I saw We Did It For You and enjoyed it immensely! You took us on a fast-paced time-travel through the women’s march to equality in America. It was edifying and entertaining to hear the actors tell the stories of their characters (Alice Paul, Susan B. Anthony, Betty Friedan, et al.) to a young girl who takes for granted the freedom that became her birthright. We Did It For You should be part of the middle school curriculum. I believe it would inspire girls to become the women of their dreams.” - Ken Sateriale
“No words of praise seem worthy after watching the performance of your show. So I won’t seek them now but they will come…powerful, moving, poignant, entertaining, ‘must see,’ history made real, triumphal, wonderful.” Charles Redner, publisher
"Thank you so much for coming and being a part of our Women’s History Month celebration. Not only did the play offer an educational opportunity, but engaged the audience by incorporating fun and interactive musical numbers. The students and faculty on campus were thoroughly entertained and walked out the door that evening not only with more knowledge, but singing songs from the play as well." - Dr. Renae Bredin, Women and Gender Studies, California State University, Fullerton
“WDIFY is an engaging and fun way for the students to learn about Women's History while tapping into their critical thinking, speaking, listening, and analytical thinking skills. The play is an instructional gem." - Maryann Ziemba, social studies teacher, Millis High School
“I thought the play was very informative and successfully presented historical events in a fun and entertaining form. I was aware of struggles that women have overcome to get where they are today but attending your play had opened my eyes and made me realize just how long women have had to fight for their independence. Furthermore, this realization leaves me questions like why aren't women completely equal as of today regarding wages and job opportunities. In conclusion, I believe that women have fought long enough and should not endure any forms of discrimination.” – Kris, Cal State SB
“I am a student at Cal State San Bernardino and attended the performance there yesterday afternoon. I will admit that going in, I thought I would be bored but instead I was entertained, inspired and informed.
I think this play is worth being seen by men and women alike as it is a reminder of our humanity and our continued struggle for basic human rights”. – Ja’net, Cal State SB
“I thought it was really good. I learned many things that I didn’t know before. I definitely would recommend this play for other people to see.” – Carly, Cal State Fullerton
“Great performance. It was entertaining and educational.” – Alejandra, Cal State Fullerton
“Thank you all actresses for providing us with all the information and for your time. I will value this performance. Thank you again” Marita, Cal State Fullerton
“Great show. I learned a ton of things. The song, singing, and energy of the performers were great.” – Javey, Cal State Fullerton
“I loved the show! It was interesting how Melanie was talking to the women, rather than it being one big flashback. I hope the show gets bigger and bigger because the world needs it now more than ever.” Sarah (age 14)
“Fantastic! Thank you!” – Byrna (age 13)
“I LOVED it. I’m 11 and it got me interested in women’s rights.” – Riley (age 11)
"So GREAT! I learned a BUNCH I didn't know (and I was a US History teacher)." - Andrea D.
“It reinforced what I have watched especially through PBS on the centennial this year but also broadened the scope to bring it to 2020!!! The teaching moment made it real.”
“I was crying by the last song! You all rock!” - Pam S.
“You were all wonderfullllllll! Thank you.” - Le N.
“Congratulations to everyone! Great job! - Leslie L.
“I have never had greater respect for what it takes to shift to livestream platform and learn technology with all the gusto and persistence of our ability.” Sally R.
“Great show! So proud of what all these women did! Thank you all for offering!” - Mary G.
“The show was a masterpiece of creative, electronic showmanship. I know how quickly you invented, manipulated, and stretched new technology to deliver to a stay-at-home audience a socially conscious, entertaining program.” – Jane B.
“I just wanted to tell you how much I absolutely love the play! It was so inspiring and motivating.” – Mary Ellen Gambon, Dedham Times
“I think this is about the 8th time I've seen the show - 4 times when it was in Framingham - and each time I've gotten different people to attend with me. You are doing important work teaching people about women's rights and voting.” - Phyllis R.
“It is important that we all especially young women have a sense of history to truly understand the present and where we will head in the future. Thank you for the great history lesson.” - Cynthia P.
“Spectacular performance, as usual.” - Dr. Diane Askew, Pasadena, CA
“Thank you for sharing. You were so credible. Thanks again.” - Jack Martinez - Sizzlin' Seniors
“Saw the production last night. I was truly impressed. As a teacher let me say I wish they would present it in every high school civics class in US . It would be helpful and beneficial. Thanks for letting me know about the production and its viewing.” - Dennis
“It felt to me that this performance was particularly outstanding. As if we women were breathing rarified air. As if our voices were being heard. I believe your play has the power to influence and clarify thinking: about the need to speak out for long-overdue change, about the power of the ballot, about the intense need for humane governance. I feel proud to have been a part of this deeply inspiring project over the years. Given the state of our nation, people need a better understanding of what we are being called to stand for. May WDIFY continue to uplift and inspire us all.” - Anne Perrah, PhD, actor in We Did It For You!
“All the girls said they were intimidated at first but quickly made friends and found the experience immensely rewarding. They were impressed with a stage presentation called "We Did it for You." It highlighted the struggles of the women's movement in the United States. None of the students had studied or even heard about the women's suffrage movement. Emma (Emma Bunim from Marco Forster, AAUW middle-school scholarship recipient) said it humbled them to learn how women before them worked and sacrificed so they could have this opportunity.” OC Register, September 28, 2012 http://www.ocregister.com/news/girls-373050-women-science.html
“While the musical provided a wealth of information, it was also entertaining with its clever dialogue and comedic elements. With catchy musical numbers, a dash of comic relief, and a huge history lesson on feminism, “We Did It For You!” received immensely positive reception from the Medfield audience. Iberall’s dream of taking the musical around the nation will certainly become a reality with the same motivation that previous generations of women brought to the issue of gender equality.” –Hometown Weekly, August, 2017